JP Popham


Dave Ramsey Thinks You Are Stupid

For 30 years, Dave Ramsey has been delivering one-size-fits-all financial advice. His controversial "Baby Steps" program, which has drawn significant Dave Ramsey criticism, pushes people to ruthlessly budget as a way to build strong habits and shed debt. Here's his...

Social Security Won’t Save Gen Z

In the 1930s, the average retirement age was 70. Life expectancy was 61. Old folks were dying at their proverbial desks due to poor working conditions, health problems, and a struggling economy. Those that did reach retirement lived for about 2 more years on...

#17. You Can’t Live in a Hammer

Building a good house takes the right tools — as does building a good life. Wealth is a tool for stability, low stress, and fun. Fashion is a tool for individuality or acceptance. Status is a tool for respect. Working out is a tool for a healthy body. Working hard is...

#16. Growth is Not A Straight Line

A few days ago, I sat down to write. I found that I could not. The words and sentences that normally bubbled up easily in my mind lay stubbornly beneath the surface. We often tell ourselves that every day we practice something, the next day will reveal our progress....

#15. Imagination and The Big Lie

As we age, we often lament the loss of our imagination. We tell ourselves that responsibility forced us into the ‘real world’. We see children as the pretenders and call ourselves mature for rejecting day dreams and fantasies. Truthfully we never stop pretending, we...

#14. Beauty and Screens

A few nights ago, I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets of my life. I did not take a picture of it. That sunset, from that location, at that specific time, was mine alone. No one else ever has or ever will see that sunset from that spot again. Light from the sun...