JP Popham




There’s a new player in the poultry game.

We are at the beginning stages of a complete remix of the food industry. As population climbs and agriculture struggles to keep up, change is inevitable.

As the most consumed meat in the world, the chicken industry is primed for an overall and the folks at Cooks Ventures are on the job.

The Current Issue

The economics of scale are wreaking havoc on the poultry industry. Year over year, ‘farms’ are forced to find new ways to decrease costs and increase production. This cycle has produced poultry in ways that are increasingly less nutritious.

The quality of the end product is also taking a hit. Chickens that are raised in close quarters and fed a diet of cheap grains develop an undesirable flavor.

This has been a pervasive issue for a long time and is no longer sustainable with an increasing population. The industry is ripe for innovation.

Without shaking things up, the poultry industry risks doing irreversible damage to chicken farmers and the farmers that produce the chicken’s diet.

A Proposed Solution

Enter: Cooks Ventures.

Cooks Ventures is a startup that has set out to change all of this. They are raising chickens in a way that results in tastier and more nutritious poultry.

They’re not interested in following the industrial model, but instead, they’re working to create a more sustainable and humane process.

The result? Chickens are tastier, healthier, and more environmentally friendly. It is not just the poultry industry that benefits from this kind of revival. The agricultural world is also greatly benefitting from a change in how chickens are raised.

They are more expensive for sure, but if Cooks manages to carve out a decent slice of the market, they could start a chain reaction that has the potential to change the landscape of how we raise meat.

A Chain Reaction

Instead of feeding their chickens endless mystery corn mash, Cook ventures are varying the diet. Research shows that this producer’s healthier meat.

It also produces healthier land.

Due to this change in diet, farmers are able to grow a more diverse crop set. This is because the crop doesn’t need to be designed for a mass of chickens and this allows farmers to grow multiple crops.

This diversification has had incredible benefits. The land grows healthier, so it produces better crops with fewer chemicals. Land doesn’t like growing the same crop year after year, eventually, required nutrients of the soil and used up and the land loses its ability to grow crops until it given a chance to recover.

Farmers can also make more per acre when they are able to grow more than just corn and soy.

This chain reaction is a wonderful combination of producing a product that is healthier, better tasting, and more environmentally friendly.

What’s Next?

Cooks Ventures is paving the way for a better chicken. They’ve shown that it is possible, and investors agree. The startup just raised 50 million dollars to continue research, development, and production.

This is an incredible sum of money, and it will go a long way in helping to create a better chicken.

What’s even more exciting is that this could be the beginning of something much bigger. There are many issues within the food industry that need to be addressed, and startups like Cooks Ventures offer hope for the future.

When that hope is paired with big money from VCs these things tend to have a snowballing effect. More capital means more awareness and better marketing. This in turn produces more customers leading to a larger market and more capital.

With a little luck, the cycle repeats.

The Future Of Food Is A Community Effort

It should also be mentioned that it will take a community effort to make the future of food something to be excited about. We can’t rely on startups and VCs alone to fix our broken food system.

That responsibility falls on all of us. We need to demand better from our agricultural industry, and we need to support startups that are trying to make a difference. The more educated we are, the better purchasing decisions we will make and that is where things start to change.

We are the customer, and we have more power than we may realize. Startups like Cooks Ventures need our support to survive, but they also need us to vote with our dollars by purchasing their product.

If that happens on a large scale, change is inevitable.

Best of luck out there,


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