We sit together in Deaths waiting room. Each of us on the list to be called into The Next Room.
We are not sure exactly how long we will wait, but until then our time is our own. Some may reach for the magazines on the table, hoping to pass the time as quickly as possibly. Some may try and connect with the people waiting next to them. Some may try and run for the door allowing the fear of The Next Room to overcome.
Regardless, we will all be called and we all must wait.
So while we do, why not explore the waiting room a bit? Why not get to know those around us? Why not strive to experience all that room has to offer before we are called?
We are pretty sure we will not be coming back to the waiting room and we have no idea how much time we have left.
What has happened to our sense of urgency?
Last year, I lost much of my urgency. This year, I want it back. I want to lean into challenges in exchange for deep human experience. My decision making needs to change from a prioritization of comfort to one of courage.
The strange thing about life is that it will kill us all. Of that end we have little control. But while we wait, we can make choices. Choices to better ourselves and those around us, choices to make our environment lighter or darker, more fun or more angry.
Waiting is a must, how we do it is up to us.