JP Popham




Rejection, pain, and anger are often triggered through misunderstanding and miscommunication. When miscommunications are frequent, it leads us to isolation and loneliness.

We live in a time where we are constantly seen and heard — but never known. There is a vast difference hearing and understanding.

If we practice being understood and strive to understand those around us — we can fight back against our isolation. Here are ways to practice this skill.

Learn to write well — When we practice writing well, we practice thinking well. Our ideas are made manifest outside of our silly mind cages and are organized for the express purpose of being understood

Realize that language is insufficient — There is no substitute for a face to face conversation. We communicate with our words but they are never enough. As a species, we have developed remarkable inflection and expression that we use to be understood more completely. Let’s not waste that.

Listen up — Your conversation partner is saying far more than just their words. Learn the art of understanding others and you to will be understood in return.

Prepare — Do not surprise yourself or others by entering tough improvisational conversations. Do the work to reflect before diving into controversy, you may find you are wrong without needing to be told.
