JP Popham

Mix things up. Wake up for the sunrise. Skip rocks. Go for the hug. Turn left instead of right. Buy a ticket. Get a tan. Fall in love. Never return.

You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Time moves on without us regardless of how we choose to spend it.

Recently, I have felt the months flying by.

Time is slowed by change, discovery, and imagination. All of which I have sacrificed to the gods of comfort, stability, and belonging.

New experiences force us out of our routines. One day in a new place — or with new people — can feel like a month in the best possible way.

Kids do this everyday, because almost everything is new. Their time moves in slow motion as they are forced to drink in every detail in order to understand the world around them.

But the older we get, the more we are exposed to the familiar. And the faster the clock seems to tick.

Fear of change is talked about often. It’s counterpart is far more terrifying.

I am terrified of staying the same. Of living my life and not taking advantage of the potential of being alive.

Life wants to be lived. And it deserves to be.
