JP Popham




As we age, we often lament the loss of our imagination. We tell ourselves that responsibility forced us into the ‘real world’. We see children as the pretenders and call ourselves mature for rejecting day dreams and fantasies.

Truthfully we never stop pretending, we just accept our pretendings as reality because we all agree they are important.

These pretend worlds amalgamate into The One Big Lie that we all live together. We see this lie in things such as fashion, status, trends, fame, likes, and clout. They are pretend things that do not exist in the real world. They only exist in our collective imagination, but we choose to prioritize our lives around them.

What if we stopped?

What if we spent our only real finite resource — our time — on things that improved our lives and the lives of those around us. Things like strong friendships, personal responsibility, a healthy mind, and a strong body.

What would be the collective good if we all dropped the mask and lived in accordance to the real world?

Imagination is not the problem, imagination conflated with reality is. These things we sacrifice our lives for are not real and will give us nothing in return for our efforts.

There are solutions to loneliness, purposelessness, and isolation.

None of them exist on your phone.
